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Start of season 2018/19 of the symphonic orchestra of Santiago de Cuba (OSO)

  • Published: Saturday, 15 September 2018 19:33
  • Written by Administrador
  • Hits: 2577
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liuba maria Hevia and OSOConcert of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Oriente with singer-songwriter Liuba María Hevia

The last day September 12 2018, at 08:30 p.m. and on September 13 at 1100am, under the direction of conductor Enrique Pérez Mesa (National Symphony Orchestra), the OSO celebrated the start of season 18719 with the star participation of soloist singer-songwriter Liuba María Hevia and her group in the Dolores de Santiago concert hall of Cuba, taking advantage of the national tour of the interpreter who celebrated his 35 years of artistic life.

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